

3rd - 4th October 2016
Novotel Hotel,


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Innovation.  Collaboration.  Growth.  Support Pathways.

Case studies will include: 

Title: Kā Rongo te Hā o Rūaumoko – Understanding the impacts of air pollution in Rotorua


  • Sylvia Tapuke Whakarewarewa - Village Charitable Trust

  • Dr Andreas Markwitz  - GNS Science 


This project aims to understand the effect that air pollution has on humans when exposed to extreme environmental conditions arising from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The project will compile the transition of Tūhourangi, particularly the involuntary resettlement of Tūhourangi Iwi following the 1886 Mt Tarawera eruption. Here we will map how Māori oral traditions transmit aspects from one generation to another through the interpretation of oral histories (pūrākau), mōteatea that relate to the survivors remnant (mōrehu) and migration to the Whakarewarewa geothermal valley. The volcanic event would have had immediate impacts with acute health effects caused by emissions of toxic and corrosive gases (carbon monoxide, acidic sulphur oxides, hydrogen chloride, and hydrogen sulfide) and emissions of volcanic ash particles.

Title: Mānuka-dominated ecosystems to improve water quality and provide economic return in the Waikato Region. 


  • Glen Tupuhi (Ngati Hine, Ngati Naho, Ngati Paoa) - Waikare Marae representative to Ngā Muka Development Trut, Chair Ngā Muka Development Trust

  • Jacqui Horswell - ESR


Lake Waikare and the Whangamarino wetland catchment are the lungs and kidneys for the lower Waikato and have multiple cultural, ecological, recreational and economic values. Due to the high inputs of nutrients, sediment and bacteria from farm run-off and the removal of vegetation filtering potential around the Lake margins, Lake Waikare has degraded health, wellbeing and low ecological integrity.    At one time the Lake was a source of sustenance, with history and connection for the whānau, degradation of the Lake has also impacted cultural health.

Installing riparian plantings and wetlands have demonstrable benefits on water quality.  New science discovered by ESR and Lincoln University shows that the mānuka root system has some unique properties.  In laboratory, lysimeters and small field trials the research team have shown that bioactive/antimicrobial compounds produced by myrtaceaeous plants, especially mānuka (Leptospermum scoparium), may inhibit the conversion of ammonia into nitrate and nitrous oxide, and also enhance the die-off of pathogenic organisms in the wastes that pass through their root systems.  Incorporating such plants into bio-diverse riparian planting schemes has the potential to both filter and inactivate pollutants from intensive agriculture leading to improvements in water quality.  BUT the team needed some study sites to demonstrate the system in an ‘operational environment’. 

The Land and Soil leader at Waikato Regional Council facilitated linkages with representatives from various hapū of Waikato-Tainui.  Representatives from Ngā Muka (Glen Tupuhi and Arakea Hopkins) immediately saw the potential for Lake margin planting of mānuka to contribute towards restoration of Lake Waikare, a priority funding area identified in the Waikato River Authority Vision and Strategy (2016).  Glen and Aareka facilitated meetings with Te Riu ō Waikato (Taipu Moana) and Tawera Nikau, Chairman of the Matahuru Marae.  Through their vision, mātauranga and kaitiakitanga of the Lake, a collaboration was formed and a proposal submitted to the Waikato River Authority.  The proposal aims to work alongside the Matahuru Papakāinga Marae Ecological Restoration Plan; and re-vegetate the lake margins with native plants dominated by mānuka.  Due to the production of anti-microbial compounds in its root system, we aim to actively reduce the amount of nitrate and E. coli and reduce adverse cumulative effects, restoring water quality over time so that the lake is once again safe to swim in and collect and eat kāeo, kōura, mullet and tuna. 

Title: Improving water-use efficiency through increased use of weather forecasting for Ngai Tahu Farms


  • MS Srinivasan (Hydrologist) 

  • Shane Kelly (GM) – Ngai Tahu Farms


Case study in Waimakariri irrigation scheme and Ngai Tahu dairy farms to improve irrigation water use efficiency and reduce drainage and nutrient leaching by scheduling irrigations carefully based on current crop/soil demand and 2 to 6 day rainfall forecast via decision-support tools (i.e. on-line access to farm data, email updates, face-to-face interactions and workshops). It saves water, drainage, leaching, runoff, receiving water from pollution and dollars without compromising on productivity.

Title: Flounder enhancement in the Marlborough Sounds


  • Mike Bradley - Shark Nett

  • Mark Jarvis - Business Manager at Plant & Food Research


Shark Nett, a Māori-owned company based in the Marlborough Sounds, has witnessed declining wild-fish abundance to the extent that yellow-belly flounder (YBF) is its only commercial fish catch. This project explored the feasibility of using hatchery-bred fish to enhance the local wild stocks of YBF (Rhombosolea leporina) with a view to supporting innovative aquaculture or wild stock enhancement to benefit the local ecology and economy via commercial, recreational or tourism based activities. The development of fish rearing capability will provide Shark Nett the tools to engage in future fisheries enhancement programmes with other hāpu of the Marlborough Sounds. Furthermore, this could create a model by which other iwi throughout New Zealand actively participate in the enhancement of taonga species in their rohe consistent with the values of kaitiaki and manaaki.

Title: Indigenous Forestry 


  • Russel Burton - GM Māori Partnerships – Scion

  • Mere George - Ngati Whare


Project/Case study highlighting the development of a commercial partnership between iwi and a CRI, focused on the propagation of indigenous tree species for indigenous forest restoration and to realise cultural, social and economic benefits. 

Title: Miraka's innovation strategy and working with AgResearch to deliver on our goals


  • Julie Cakebread

  • Kusal Perera


Miraka is well established in the New Zealand dairy-processing industry with strong values founded on the cultural beliefs of the company’s owners, a group of Māori trusts and incorporations. The Miraka innovation strategy is based on our cultural values that underpin the interconnected relationships we have with each other and the natural world that sustains us. This means that Miraka implements an open innovation strategy which reaches out for the best people and organizations to support our journey. 
Miraka has a multi-disciplinary approach spanning different organizations and companies to support programs from milk supply to the development of finished products. Miraka has a number of R&D projects and programmes with the New Zealand CRIs AgResearch and Plant & Food. This joint presentation by Miraka and AgResearch, will discuss the Miraka innovation strategy and how the organizations have worked together to develop and deliver on our goals.

Title: Kia kāpuia, e kore e whati – Binding together the strands of knowledge


  • Yvonne Taura

  • Nicholas Manukau


Waikato Raupatu River Trust and Manaaki Whenua/Landcare Research co-developed a capability-building project for the MBIE Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund in 2014.  The project on Waikato-Tainui mātauranga-based cultural indicators, provided an opportunity for the secondment of Yvonne Taura, a tribal member of Waikato-Tainui and emerging freshwater/wetland ecologist to work for Manaaki Whenua on collaborative projects with the Waikato Raupatu River Trust. The placement helped build Yvonne’s science capability, contributing to the aspirations of Whakatupuranga 2050, the Waikato-Tainui Strategic Plan, particularly the tribal objective of growing the capability of tribal members. It provides an excellent model for building and strengthening relationships, developing relevant and meaningful kaupapa based projects, and increasing capability between CRIs and iwi/hapū organisations. Yvonne is now a permanent Māori researcher in Manaaki Whenua. 

Title: Manuka Honey Collaboration 


  • Victor Goldsmith

Description: Still to come